Jim was going to run A WW1 aerial Aircraft game, but as Michael was free he offered to run a Seven Years War game, using Black Powder Battles and its 7YW expansion.
The rules were easy to pick up, but (as with all new rules) there were gripes.
The biggest was cavalry are quite resistant to damage, attackers hit on a 5 or 6, regardless of range, and then the cavalry get a save of 3+, so you hit 1/3 of the time and then they save away 2/3rds of them time.
We were told before the game started, that cavalry charging the front of an infantry unit would get massacred, but we quickly figured out that the cavalry is virtually unstoppable, and many charges by cavalry ensued.
I note there was no comment about the brutal slaughter the frog infantry and artillery took at my prussians cavalry hands : P followed by the massacre and routing of the whole garlic eating army : )